Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...
8.5 x 8.5 Artist is Pamela Baker Handcrafted in Canada
Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...
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Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side and from...
8"x9.5" Artist Pamela Baker Handcrafted in Canada
Brushed Steel First Nations Moon by Himikalas/Pamela BakerPam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida...
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13"x9" Artist is Pamela Baker Made in Canada
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Artist Pamela Baker Handcrafted in Canada 11"x12"
Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...
Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...
Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...
Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side...