Pam is a West Coast First Nations Artist of MusqamaqwDzawada’enuxw/Kwaguith/Tlingit/Haida ancestry on her mother’s side and from Squamish ancestry on her father’s side. Many years ago, she began a lifelong search to provide First Nations people a stage to showcase their culture and mentor indigenous youth.
Pam has been showcasing her one-of-a-kind pieces since 1988. Pam has also owned T.O.C.N.T.I
fashion school, Copperknot Jewelry and Touch of Culture since 1988
13″ x 11.25″
The First Nations Bear is a stunning piece of Artwork created by local Snuneymuxw Artist...
The First Nations Bear is a stunning piece of Artwork created by local Snuneymuxw Artist...
Stand alone Artist Noel Brown 10" Length 5.5 Hieght
The First Nations Bear is a stunning piece of Artwork created by local Snuneymuxw Artist...