Adapted from the Indigenous Corporate Training Blog
The Talking Stick, also called a speaker's staff, is an instrument of aboriginal democracy used by many tribes, especially those of indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America. The talking stick may be passed around a group or used only by leaders as a symbol of their authority and right to speak in public.
In a tribal council circle, a talking stick is passed around from member to member allowing only the person holding the stick to speak. This enables all those present at a council meeting to be heard.
Talking sticks have high ceremonial and spiritual value, and have proved to be exceedingly useful during current implementations.
The Talking Stick, used in many Indigenous cultures, is an ancient and powerful “communication tool” that ensures a code of conduct of respect during meetings is followed. The person holding the stick, and only that person, has the right to speak and all others must listen quietly and respectfully.
Talking Sticks are most frequently used in council circles, ceremonies and at the beginning of cultural events such as potlatches, and in storytelling circles. Some cultures use an eagle feather, wampum belt, peace pipe or sacred shell.
Many schools have adopted the Talking Stick principles in their classrooms as a way to teach children patience, self-discipline and to respect the speaker and his/her words.
It is important to remember that each First Nation is unique in their culture, traditions and history. If you are invited to attend a meeting that involves a Talking Stick, either ask about protocol in advance and/or follow the lead of others.
Talking Sticks can be elaborately carved, brightly painted, unpainted, adorned with symbolic items such as fur, leather, feathers or unadorned and simple.
First Nation Talking Stick symbolism carries deep spirituality and tradition. While each First Nation’s culture, traditions and history is unique, there are some shared or common symbolism attached to animals, birds, trees and colours. For instance, the eagle is almost universally considered, by both Aboriginal People in Canada and Native Americans, to be the ruler of the sky with a connection to the Creator.
The wood chosen is selected for its carving attributes and spirituality. Ceremonies around seeking permission from the tree spirit to make the talking stick are frequently practiced. Here’s a sampling of some tree varieties and their associated symbolism. Note: some are found outside regions of Canada.
For the purpose of this aspect, we are focussing on the First Nations of the Northwest coast of Canada and what each creature symbolises.
Some cultures stain their talking sticks, others paint them.
Feathers, animal skins and beads are the most frequently used adornments.
If you are present at a ceremony or meeting that involves a Talking Stick, there is an expectation to respect the spirituality and tradition that is infused in its creation.