Tsimshian storyteller and artist Roy Henry Vickers shares an adventure from his childhood in the...
Cloudwalker, describing the creation of the rivers, is the second in a series of Northwest...
Author Leigh Joseph, an ethnobotanist and a member of the Squamish Nation, provides a beautifully...
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With bright and bold illustrations of the wild and magical West Coast by celebrated artist...
A beautifully illustrated book for children ages 6 and up relating the classic northwest coast...
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Respected Cowichan Tribe Elder and botanical expert, Luschiim Arvid Charlie, began his education in early...
These traditional teaching legends come straight from the oral traditions of the Sechelt Nation. Simple...
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Following on the success of their bestselling board book Hello Humpback!, the celebrated and award-winning authors...
Orca Chief is the third in a series of Northwest Coast legends by Roy Henry Vickers...
Orca's Song is the tale of the love between Orca and Eagle-Flies-High, and explains the origin...
In this tale, the ever-wily, ever-hungry Raven visits the generous Snipe family, in the hope...
Raven is clever and tricky - and greedy. In this story, she persuades her friends...