Bear - The "Loyal Friend" Bears symbolize the highest level of friendship. They embody...
Bear “Loyal Friend” Bears Symbolize the highest level of friendship. They embody strength healing...
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Butterfly - The "Beauty" Butterflies represent beauty in its purest form, able to transcend the...
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Butterfly – she shashishalhem (Sechelt) language pronounced “Kay La-La” Butterflies represent beauty in its purest...
Dragonfly- The "Philosopher" The Dragonfly is a symbol of an ever changing spirit, able to...
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Eagle - The "Leader" Eagles are spiritual guides exhibiting intelligence. They represent power and prestige...
Eagle - The "Leader" Eagles are spiritual guides exhibiting intelligence. They represent power prestige, and...
Eagle ” The Leader” Eagles are spiritual guides exhibiting intelligence. They represent power, prestige,...
Spindle Whorl Represents the coming together of all directions. Symbolizes the unity in diversity. ...
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Frog"The Communicator" Frogs are communicators. They symbolize encouragement, support, and bring good fortune to those...
Frog - "Communicator and Listener" Frogs inspire positive communication with others. They symbolize encouragement and...
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Hummingbird – The “Nurturer”Hummingbirds naturally soothe and heal. They are symbols of love, beauty and...